Chennai, Apr 2 (UI) Tamil Nadu Governor R N Ravi today said under Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s outstanding leadership, India is marching ahead to fulfill Mahatma Gandhi’s dream of a Ramrajya. Inaugurating the 69th Ram Navami festival organised by Sri Ram Samaj here, he called Sri Ram as the icon of India’s shared cultural spirituality and lessons of his life as the ideal values for all to imbibe. “As an ideal son, brother, friend and king, Sri Ram teaches us the value of mutual love and respect. He lives in the heart ofthe people across the country”, he added. Recalling how Mahatma Gandhi invoked Ramrajya to te the country against the colonial rule, the Governor said India is moving forward with confidence for mission of progress and its glorious tomorrow. “India with fundamental changes under the outstanding leadership of the Prime Minister’s all inclusive developments in all fields without any regional, linguistic, religious or any discrimination whatsoever, in marching ahead to fulfil Mahatma Gandhi’s dream of a Ramrajya”, he said. GV 1300