Mumbai March 22 : The Enforcement Directorate (ED) on Tuesday attached immovable properties worth Rs 6.45 crore belonging to the company owned and controlled by Shridhar Madhav Patankar, brother-in-law of Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray. The said attachment includes 11 residential flats in Neelambari project in neighbouring Thane district. Earlier, Enforcement Directorate, had recorded money laundering case on March 6, 2017, under the provisions of PMLA for allegedly laundering money in the post-demonetisation period and has already provisionally attached immovable and movable properties of Pushpak Bullion to the tune of Rs 21.46 crore belonging to Mahesh Patel, Chandrakant Patel, their family members and companies controlled by them. AAA SHK1941