Lucknow, April 8 : In order to familiarise the youth of Uttar Pradesh with the latest technology, the Yogi Adityanath government in Uttar Pradesh has announced to distribute a total of 9.74 lakh tablets and smartphones across the state. The Department of Information Technology has already been told to include it in its 100-day action plan, officials here on Friday said. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the education of the youth was badly affected over the last two years as they were unable to go to schools and colleges. To ensure that the education of the youth is not hindered, the government started online education, but the youth’s unfamiliarity with modern technology was a major obstacle in the way. To end this problem once and for all, the Yogi government has started the scheme of giving tablets and smartphones to the youth. The BJP in its Sankalp Patra has set a target of giving tablets and smartphones to 2 crore youth to make them technologically capable. In this regard, the Information Technology Department of the State Government has included giving 9.74 lakh tablets and smartphones to the youth in its 100-day action plan. For this, the state government has already started preparations. The state government has directed the officers of the department to complete all the necessary action at the earliest and to provide tablets and smartphones to the youth within the stipulated time. The officials have also been asked to identify the eligible students/beneficiaries for tablets and smartphones from each district. MB SY 1434