Two Indian naval ships berthed at Hambantota

Colombo, March 14 : Two Indian Navy ships are berthed at the China-funded port in Hambantota in Sri Lanka, media reports said. Hambantota International Port Group Pvt Ltd. said the Indian ships visited the Hambantota International Port (HIP) for replenishment and husbandry services. The ships which arrived on March 9 were berthed at HIP for two days, the Colombo Gazette said. INS ‘Chennai’, a Destroyer and the Flagship of the Indian Western Fleet, along with the Frigate INS ‘Teg’ were in Colombo on a formal visit. During their stay in the island, the crews of both ships engaged in several programmes organized by the Sri Lanka Navy in keeping with COVID-19 protocols. In past years naval vessels from Japan, Indonesia, Russia and USA have called at the port of Hambantota, it said. RN