Hyderabad, March 11 : Telangana Finance Minister T Harish Rao on Friday informed the Assembly that 13,29,951 women have benefited under KCR Kit Scheme since June 2, 2017. Replying to questions raised by the members in the house during the question hour, Rao said that the government had spent Rs 1387.19 crore under the KCR KT Scheme so far. After the introduction of KCR Kit Scheme, the institutional deliveries in Government hospitals have increased to 54 per cent from 30 per cent, he said. Rao said 26 Mother and Child Health Care (MCH) Centres and 41 Special Newborn Care ts (SNCUs) have been strengthened in the state by providing necessary infrastructure. The Minister said that 14 facilities (Labour rooms and Maternity Operation theaters has received Certification under Laqshya Programme and 295 facilities were awarded for Kayakalp in the year 2020-21. Of the e41 SNCUs, 10 are NNF (National Neonatology Forum ) accredited, he added. VV CS1600