Over 300 dogs starved to death at Ukrainian animal shelter

Kyiv, April 6 : More than 300 dogs were found dead at an animal shelter in Ukraine’s Borodyanka after Russian forces withdrew from the area. Daily Mail quoted the UAnimals shelter in Borodyanka, just north of Kyiv, as saying that up to 485 dogs were locked in their cages by Russian forces shortly after the invasion of Ukraine began on February 24. The animal shelter posted a footage on their Instagram showing working piling up dead hounds who remained without food or water for about a month. Meanwhile, images of half mangled corpses in some of the cages suggested some dogs had begun to eat their dead cell mates in the complete absence of food, Daily Mail reported. In the video, a woman could be heard crying while filming the scene and said, “This is the number of dogs… and this is not all, this is just a part. “These are the animals of Borodyanka, and the consequences of war. The consequences of complete indifference and negligence. The animals went three to four weeks without food or water.” Of the 485 dogs only 150 were found alive when the Ukrainian workers returned on April 1. Twenty-seven dogs, who are in critical condition, have been transfered to local vets. One video, posted by lawyer and head of Ukrainian nonprofit Centre for Civil Liberties Oleksandra Matviichuk, showed dozens of carcasses littering the floor at the UAnimals shelter, Daily Mail reported. She tweeted: “I have no words. Russians even killed dozens of dogs in Kyiv region. WHY??” According to footage posted by Ukrainian Interior Ministry advisor Anton Gerashchenko, some of the live dogs were found barking in terror when the staff members slowly entered their cages. RNJ