Nagaland Governor addresses the Budget Session of Assembly

Kohima, Mar 19 : Nagaland Governor Prof. Jagdish Mukhi said that a resolution reiterating the Naga peoples’ yearning for an early political solution was adopted at a consultation meeting on Naga Peace Process held last week with political parties and all members of the Nagaland Legislative Assembly. Addressing the Eleventh Session of the Thirteenth Nagaland Legislative Assembly, Governor, Prof. Mukhi said the resolution called upon all the negotiating parties to arrive at a political solution that is honorable, inclusive, transparent, and acceptable to the people and resolved to appeal to all sections to make renewed efforts towards ty and understanding to work towards One Solution and One Agreement. He hoped that with the concern being shown by everyone, the long-cherished solution will soon become a reality and a new era of peace and prosperity will begin in the State. He also said that he was elated to address the August House, where the members had come together to form an opposition-less Government, the ted Democratic Alliance Government, to pursue an early solution to the Naga Political Issue. On the Oting incident, he stated that the Government took every possible step to lessen the pain of the victim families. It provided prompt succor in the form of monetary compensation; a job in the State Government to the next of kin of all the deceased and the entire medical care needs of those injured was looked after by the District Administration. He also said that it approached the Government of India for taking up certain developmental projects in the affected areas, which besides assuring the traumatised populace, will also help in faster development of the area. Prof. Mukhi added that the Special Investigation Team investigating the matter has worked at a good pace and has completed its investigation and that the Army has also constituted a Court of Inquiry in the matter and it is also expected to complete its inquiry soon. The Governor stated that the Covid19 pandemic has tested the capabilities and health capacities of the State like never before. He asserted the Government besides taking several preventive measures and curbs to curtail the spread of the virus, also took all possible steps to ramp up the health infrastructure and ensure all the necessary medical interventions for the treatment of the infected and to save lives. He highlighted the creation of the four new districts of the State and stated that the Government has always been for taking every possible step to bring development to the doorstep of every person. According to the Governor, the issue of elections for the Urban Local Bodies in the State was resolved at the Consultative Meeting of 9th March 2022, for them to be conducted according to the 74th Amendment Act of the Constitution. AS RN