New Delhi, April 18 : The Delhi Police on Monday filed a case in Jahangirpuri Police Station against some people, who hurled stones on police team, wherein an Inspector sustained injury on right ankle. A senior police official of North West Delhi said that a team of special staff on Monday went to C block Jahangirpuri in search of one suspect at about 1:30 pm. Relatives of the suspected person started throwing stones upon the police team. One of the stones hit Inspector Satender Khari, who was deployed in a law and order arrangement near Kushal Chowk, and sustained injury on right ankle. A case under Sections 186/353/332/34 IPC was registered. One of the accused, identified as Salma, resident of C block, Jahangirpuri, joined the investigation and was bound down. The probe is underway, said Delhi Police. Earlier in the day, the accused, identified as Sonu alias Imam alias Yunus (28), resident of block C of Jahangirpuri area, was arrested by the Special Staff of Delhi Police. Delhi Police Commissioner Rakesh Asthana said that 23 people have been arrested so far, out of them eight people have criminal record. More arrests were likely to be made after analysis of digital evidence, it added. A purported video, which went viral on social media on April 17, showed a man (in blue Kurta) allegedly opening fire during the violence in the Jahangirpuri area on Saturday, was arrested by Special Staff, said Delhi Police One more accused, identified as scrap dealer Sheikh Hameed (36), resident of C Block Jahangirpuri, was also arrested. During the interrogation, he told the police that he had allegedly supplied bottles which were used for pelting during the violence, the police added. on Home Minister Amit Shah directed Delhi Police to deal with this situation strictly so that such kind of incident cannot be repeated. Meanwhile, a case under Section 188 of IPC was registered against organisers for carrying out a procession on Saturday evening in Jahangirpuri area without any permission. One of the organisers of this procession joined the investigation. Further probe is underway, said a senior police official of Delhi Police, North-West Delhi. The other two processions which were carried out in Jahangirpuri area in the morning and afternoon, had due permission, said Delhi Police. Earlier in the day, a fresh stone-pelting incident was reported in Jahangirpuri area, however, the Delhi Police said it was a minor incident. Legal action was being taken in this case. It is said that the incident happened when a woman was taken away for interrogation in connection with a clash in Jahangirpuri on Saturday. The recent media report of fresh stone-pelting is an exaggeration of facts. It was a minor, one-off incident. Legal action is being taken. One person has been detained, said Delhi Police. The Delhi Police Commissioner Rakesh Asthana in a press conference held on Monday said that the investigation of the violence case has been given to Delhi Police Crime Branch and 14 teams of it have been working on the case. “The teams collect scientific evidence,” he added. “CCTV footage, social media posts and other digital evidence are being analysed by Delhi Police Special Cell,” said Asthana. Asthana said police investigation is based on evidence, “We are looking into every aspect. Till the situation normalises, the restrictions will be in place,” he added. Delhi Police, along with CAPF personnel, have been deployed in Jahangirpuri area and other sensitive areas across the National Capital, he said. CM RJ