Shimla, April 1 : Himachal Pradesh Taxes and Excise Department levied Rs. 4,481 crores GST in financial year 2021-22 by registering growth of 29 per cent compared to previous years. Spokesperson of department said that it have registered cummilative Good & Service Tax tune to Rs. 4,481 Cr till this fy ended yesterday. During the previous year GST tune to 3,464 crores were collected. The GST collections for the month of March, 2022 have grown by 31 percent to Rs. 344 crores from Rs. 263 crores in March, 2021. The department has been able to maintain excellent buoyancy in tax collections spread formly over the entire financial year 2021-22. The positive growth in GST revenue collections is the result of a number of administrative measures and policy initiatives taken by the department to improve compliances and tax collections. The department has detected large number of GST evasion cases with the help of various IT tools developed by GSTN. The IT tools have been effectively deployed to keep tab on suspicious taxpayers.Thespokesperson said that the measures such as enhancement of system capacity, nudging non-filers after last date of filing of returns, auto-population of returns, performance monitoring of field functionaries, physical verification/blocking of e-way bills and reversal of ineligible input tax credit has led to consistent improvement in the filing of returns. The Department has taken the initiative for redressal of the issues of the stakeholders in a time bound manner under “Tax Haat Program”. The implementation of the Departmental Restructuring which has been principally approved by the State Cabinet is expected to provide push to the GST revenue collections in the coming financial year. The department has also envisaged a project for “capacity augmentation and revenue enhancement” to further help improve GST collections. ML GNK