Udaipur : Udaipur police has registered a case against a constable posted in the District Special Branch (DSB) here after a German national was found living in his cottage in Osho Dhyan Vihar at Seth ji ki Kundal under Goverdhan Vilas police station area of the city on Tuesday. There are many cottages in the center and one of those in which the foreigner lady had been living, is reportedly owned by the constable Sajjan Singh who did not report about her at the local police station or the administration even after a fortnight of her stay.
Goverdhan Vilas SHO Chena Ram Pachar told Udaipur Kiran “The lady, Kyara Marki had come to India on February 5 and after visiting several places had reached Udaipur on March 18. She had been living in the Osho Ashram since then however, Sajjan Singh didnot report about her arrival to the local police or the SP office , which is mandatory and more importantly ahead of the present lockdown situation”. Germany has over 1 lakh people infected of coronavirus and 1810 residents have died till now. The police was tipped off about few foreigners residing in the ashram and when they cross verified the register, they came to know about the German woman.
The police has confiscated her passport, got her screened and medically examined while a case has been registered against the constable under the Foreigners Act,1946. Under the act, any hotel, guest house , institute, hotel or others who provide accomodation to foreigners must submit the details of the residing foreigner in Form C to the registration authorities within 24 hours of the arrival of the person at their premises. This is to help the registration authorities in locating and tracking the foreigners.