Bengaluru, April 2 : Participating in the Police Flag Day celebrations, Karnataka Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai announced a Rs 5 crore grant for the Police Welfare Fund. The state government has taken several initiatives for the welfare of police personnel, Bommai added. “Better health services, bandobast allowance, promotions, approval for construction of 10,000 houses, and grant of Rs 100 crore for health services for the police are among them.” He said crime can be controlled if police function without any compromise against crime and criminals. Bommai said police stations in Hubballi and Ballari are being upgraded and instructed for the upgradation of forensic labs in Shivamogga and other places. He also said that the intelligence wing of the police would be strengthened by a new training system and additional staff strength. The war against narcotics should go on relentlessly and awareness should be created among school and college students against drug addiction, Bommai added. BDN ING