August recorded 27% excess rainfall: IMD


The country is likely to see normal to above normal rainfall in September as per India Meteorological Department, which in turn will help Indian economy. The good progress and spread of southwest monsoon this year has spurred sowing of kharif crops.

In the second week of September, monsoon rain is likely to be deficient in most parts of the country, including northwest and central India.

But it is likely to resume after September 17. Though the South West monsoon will start withdrawing at the fag end of second week of September, the decrease in showers might not be swift in other parts of the country as new low pressure areas are developing over the Bay of Bengal.

These are likely to cause good rains over Maharashtra, Karnataka and Kerala in the next four weeks. In other parts of the country, there could be a increase in rainfall from the third week of September.

India Meteorological Department accepted that actual rainfall in July and August was outside its forecast as the spread of low-pressure areas was uneven though the total quantum was lower than last year.

The IMD DG also said that red alerts have not been issued anywhere in the country for this week. August witnessed 27% more rain than normal…Apart from a 10% deficiency in the North east, all other parts of the country received normal monsoon.

IMD said that there has been a significant improvement in forecast accuracy of severe weather events by 15% to 35% during the last 5 years. 

According ministry of Earth science,10 new Doppler Weather Radars will come up in North west India by 2021.

Flood warning systems are already functional in Mumbai and Chennai, more facilities will come up in Kolkata and Bangaluru. Accurate rainfall and flood predictions over the last three years have aided timely relief measures.

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