Hyderabad, April 22 : Vice President M Venkaiah Naidu on Friday released the book ‘Smile Designing’ authored by eminent Dental Surgeon Prof Dr M S Gowd, the first dental surgeon in South India to be bestowed with the prestigious Fellow of International College of Prosthodontists, at the Vice President’s residence here. Dr Gowd shared valuable insights in the book Smile Designing, on modern cosmetic dentistry, dental care and leveraging technology for better oral care, from a common man’s perspective. The book a comprehensive overview on dental and oral care, is a treasure trove of information on latest advances in dentistry, painless treatment through Laser therapy, invisible braces, teeth correction, closing gaps, Orthodontic treatment, child’s teeth, teeth whitening, black gums, teeth jewellery, fracture teeth & Repair and discoloured teeth, a release said. VV SHK2112