US brokers 72-hrs ceasefire in Sudan

Khartoum : A ceasefire for 72 hours from midnight of April 24, in Sudan was agreed upon as a result of the successful intervention of the USA. The ceasefire was agreed upon after 427 people were killed and more than 3,700 injured in the violent struggle between the army and the paramilitary Rapid Support Force (RSF).

The violent struggle was a cause of concern for the entire world. The RSF announced a ceasefire on Eid Festival but it was not successful. The US intervened to convince both the forces in conflict to the 72-hour ceasefire.

The US Foreign Minister Antonio Blinken said that the Sudani Military and RSF agreed to the ceasefire after a discussion for about 24 hours. Evacuation of foreign nationals in Sudan, particularly in the capital city of Khartoum, is in progress. Those killed in the violence include an Egyptian diplomat in Khartoum. A large number of people are moving to Chad, Egypt, and South Sudan. Due to violence water, food, and medicines are not available to the local people.