UNGA meet on Ukraine to resume today

ted Nations, March 22 ( /Sputnik) The ted States, France, Ukraine, Estonia, Georgia, Canada, Germany and a number of other countries requested the resumption on Wednesday of the emergency special session of the UN General Assembly on Ukraine, according to a letter to the UN General Assembly President, read by Sputnik. “Pursuant to operative paragraph 16 of General Assembly resolution ES-11/1, adopted at its eleventh emergency special session on 2 March 2022, we request the resumption of the eleventh emergency special session of the General Assembly to consider humanitarian consequences of the aggression against Ukraine on Wednesday, 23 March 2022, or soon thereafter,” the letter says. After that, UNGA President Abdulla Shahid circulated his letter, in which he said the session will be held on March 23 at 10 am (local time). “I have the further honor to inform you that the seventh plenary meeting of the eleventh emergency special session of the General Assembly will be held at 10:00 am, on Wednesday in the General Assembly Hall, UN Headquarters, New York,” according to Shahid’s letter. /SPUTNIK RNJ