Ukraine: MPs worry over students’ future

New Delhi, March 14 : Rajya Sabha members on Monday expressed concern over the future of thousands of Indian medical students forced to flee Ukraine because of the Russian invasion and urged the government to intervene so that they are able to complete their studies. Raising the issue in Zero Hour, TDP’s K Ravindra Kumar sought to know the government’s stand. “Though the safety and security of the students have been ensured, their future is at stake now. The war is not likely to end in near future. I urge the government to take necessary steps after consulting the stakeholders,” he said. Added K C Venugopal of the Congress: “The students are in a very difficult situation. Their families are concerned about their future… Their education has been on a standstill. The government has to … give relief.” BJD’s Dr Amar Patnaik suggested steps to accommodate the students in private and government colleges. “Increase the seats to 2 to 5 per cent in all government and private medical collages so that their education does not suffer,” he said. Many MPs gave notices in both Houses of Parliament to discuss Ukraine and its impact on Indian students who had to escape from the war-ravaged country. “Some special steps should be taken to accommodate them in India,” said Dr Shantanu Sen of the Trinamool Congress. Chairman M. Venkaiah Naidu said the issue was complicated. “Shantanu Senji, you are a doctor, You know that regulations of the Medical Council of India and also the other procedures. I do agree this has to be attended, but it’s a complicated matter,” Naidu said. He said External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar will make a statement on Ukraine in the House and thereafter there will be a debate. ASU MR