TN govt taking all steps to stall Kar’s move on Mekedatu dam issue : Duraimurugan

Chennai, Apr 6 : The Tamil Nadu Government is taking all necessary action, including legal action, to prevent Karnataka from constructing a dam at Mekedatu or any other place, in the Cauvery basin in violation of the Final Order of the Tribunal and the Judgement of the Supreme Court and to safeguard the rights of TN. Moving the demand for grants for Water Resources department, Waters Resources Minister Duraimurugan listed the steps taken by the state government on the issue and pointed out that Karnataka has allocated Rs.1,000 crore in its Budget for the year 2022 – 2023 for the Mekedatu Project. To oppose the move of Karnataka, the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly had on March 21 this year resolved to strongly condemn the action of Karnataka Government proposing to construct Mekedatu dam across Cauvery River, laterally, and allotting fund for the same without respecting the orders of the Cauvery Water Disputes Tribunal and Supreme Court; urge the on Government not to give Technical and Environmental and any other clearance required for constructing the Mekedatu project. He also requested the on Government to advice the Karnataka not to take up a proposal of constructing a Reservoir at Mekedatu or at any other place in the Cauvery Basin without getting the concurrence of co-basin States. He also requested the Cauvery Water Management Authority not to consider the Detailed Project Report and not to give permission for the Mekedatu Project; and unanimously support all the actions of Tamil Nadu Government to prevent Karantaka’s attempt to construct Mekedatu Project, in the interest and welfare of the farmers of TN. Duraimurugan said he wrote a letter to the on Minister of Jal Shakti March 23 this year requesting him not to give permission to the proposed Mekedatu Project of Karnataka and forwarded the resolution passed unanimously in the Tamil Nadu Assembly to him on March 24. Further, Chief Minister M K Stalin presented a Memorandum on March 31 to Prime Minister Narendra Modi on various issues, including Mekedatu issue, requesting to direct the Ministry of Jal Shakti not to give any clearance to Karnataka for Mekedatu Project or for any other reservoir project of Karnataka and advise Cauvery Water Management Authority also not to give approval for the Mekedatu Project and direct Karnataka not to take up any new project construction activities in the Cauvery basin of Karnataka without the prior consent of the TN Government. GV 1445