Supreme Court on Monday said, people in Delhi-NCR are losing “precious years of their lives” and cannot be “left to die” due to the “atrocious” pollution situation which reflects a “shocking state of affairs”. The court directed neighbouring Punjab, Haryana and western Uttar Pradesh to stop stubble burning.
The top court also stopped all construction and demolition activities as well as garbage and waste burning in the Delhi-National Capital Region (NCR) till further orders.
Passing a slew of directions to curb alarming pollution levels in Delhi-NCR, it said citizens cannot be evacuated from the national capital amid reports that people have been advised not to visit the city and leave it due to the environmental hazard.
The Apex court also questioned the implementation of the odd-even scheme. The court asked how it was a viable option when it would only lead to increased use of autos and taxis… It also questioned the delhi govts failure to add 3000 buses to the transport system as promised
— The court stipulated that breaking the ban on construction activity would entail a fine of one lakh rupees while a fine of 5000 rs would be charged for burning of garbage
–The court also sternly directed central and state govts to take strong action instead of induling in a blame game
–SC has summoned chief secretaries of Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh for Nov 6 over stubble burning in their states
Union Environment Minister Prakash Javadekar lashed out at the AAP government asking whether it was following the Central Pollution Control Board’s directives aimed at combating the severe air pollution in the national capital He further said that while the central govt had spent 1100 crores to help farmers in this regard, the AAP govt had spent 1500 crores on advertisements.
Delhi is choking under the impact of severe pollution and the apex court’s rap could lead to better results as it slammed authorities both at the centre and states.
— SC takes serious note of crop burning in Punjab, Haryana and Western Uttar Pradesh. SC says it cannot go unabated every year and officials responsible should be ousted from their posts
— SC: even a single case of stubble burning IS the responsibility of officials at all levels from the sarpanch to the joint secretary
— Apex Court questions implementation of odd-even scheme
— Apex court asks how it is a viable option when it would only lead to increased use of autos and taxis
— SC questions delhi govts failure to add 3000 buses to the public transport system as promised
—- Fine of Rs one lakh rupees for breaking ban on construction activity
—- Fine of rs 5000 to be charged for burning of garbage
—–SC: central and state govts to take strong action instead of indulging in blame game
—-SC summons chief secretaries of Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh for Nov 6 over stubble burning in their states