Jaipur : Indian Army through it’sformations conducts Investiture Ceremonies every year to honour it’s valiant and brave soldiers and also to recognize the magnificent efforts of the battallions and the regiments. This year Headquarter Southern Command Investiture Ceremony is being conducted at Bengaluru under the aegis of Headquarters Karnataka & Kerala Sub Area which happens to be the venue of Army Day Parade 2023 also.

The Investiture Ceremony will be presided over by Lieutenant General Ajai Kumar Singh, AVSM, YSM, SM, VSM, Army Commander, Southern Command. During the Ceremony, the gallant Yodha’s of Southern Command who were conferred upon gallantry as well as distinguished service awards on 26 January 2022 and 15 Aug 2022, will be felicitated. Alongwiththe individual awards, Army Commander’s ‘Unit Appreciation’ will also be awarded to the chosen Battalions and Regiments of Southern Command for their enormous contribution in various fields.

The ceremony will be conducted on 13 January 2023 and will comprise of march past by Six Army Contingents and Military bands followed by a display of weapon and equipments, Combat Free Fall, Dare Devil Bike shows and flypast by Army helicopters from Army Aviation unit.

Southern Command has the largest area of the responsibility amongst all other Commands of Indian Army and has a glorious history. The testimony lies in the many major battles fought by the Southern Command Yodha’s since independence which includes the famous battle of Laungewala fought during 1971 Indo-Pak War.

Through the years, the formation has always executed it’s role with pride and has not left any stone unturned in tackling challenges be it operations in Desert sector, operations in foreign soil, amphibious operations or any kind of humanitarian assistance and disaster relief operations.

The un-paralleled contributions made by the Regiments and the Battalions in maintaining the territorial integrity of the nation and to support the civil populace during natural calamities stands testimony to the commitment of the Southern Army towards the nation.