Rupesh Makwana and runner team in Udaipur on the 12th day of Yatra under “Yuva Bachao Desh Bachao Abhiyan”

Rupesh and team will enter on 4th March morning and will also visit various universities and colleges, this team will be welcomed at BN Sansthan and will meet BN’s Secretary Dr. Mahendra Singh Agariya and Managing Director Mr. Mohabbat Singh Rathore.

Rupesh Makwana Runner has been working for the last three years for the ‘Save Youth, Save the Country’ campaign and keeping this mission in mind, he does different things which benefit the youth and the country, making the country’s youth free from addiction, their Increasing interest and attitude towards sports and today’s main issue is to make youth stress free, this is the main purpose of their running. It is with this thought in mind that Rupesh Makwana and team have set out on a four-city journey that connects Delhi to Mumbai, Mumbai to Chennai, Chennai to Kolkata and then Kolkata to Delhi on Golden Quadrilateral Highway.

This journey will be of 6000 kilometers and 99 days and if possible and with the support of the public, efforts will be made to complete it in less than that. In which this campaign will add many youths to the campaign ‘Save Youth, Save the Country’ from a new level.

Along with this, Rupesh Makwana will set another new world record by Save Youth Save Country campaign. Priyanka Solanki, Parth Patel and Jayesh Bhai Patel are also there along with Rupesh Makwana. This information provided by BN University PRO Dr Kamal S Rathore.