Pvt hospitals holding old stock see losses in providing jabs at revised price

Ashish Srivastava New Delhi, April 10 : The majority of private hospitals in Delhi are not participating in the Covid-19 precaution dose roll-out for beneficiaries aged 18-59 years slated to begin from Sunday, April 10, it was reported on Sunday. Major hospitals like Max and Fortis Healthcare are yet to decide about commencing the precaution dose vaccination as they await the clarity from the vaccine manufacturers about the new pricing of the Covid-19 jabs. According to the hospitals, they would incur a huge loss if they provide the existing stock of vaccines at the new and heavily discounted rates which they had purchased at old rates. On Saturday the Serum Institute of India and Bharat Biotech announced a massive reduction in the rates of Covishield and Covaxin being provided to private hospitals. Max Healthcare initially announced that it will start the precaution dose vaccination on Sunday but retracted the announcement later. Sources in the hospital told that the facility is still in discussion with the vaccine manufacturers about the adjustment to the new pricing of the vaccines. Fortis Healthcare said that it is currently holding the old stock and will resume the vaccination after receiving clarification over the new cost. “As of now, we have not received any comm cation from the authorities or the vaccine makers on the process for receiving and administering precaution doses to 18 plus, or on the new cost,” the chain of hospitals said “The vaccine stock that we are currently holding was purchased at the previously approved government prices. We will resume the vaccinations as soon as we receive clarifications, hopefully by Monday,” it added. Bharat Biotech announced that the hospitals holding the existing stock of vaccines will be compensated with additional doses if they provide the doses at the new price set by the firm. However, a top management person of a major private hospital said that the majority of the beneficiaries have been vaccinated by Covishield. “The offer of Covaxin is not going to make much difference in the losses,” he stated. Earlier today, the SII and Bharat Biotech announced a massive reduction in the rates of Covishield and Covaxin being provided to the private hospitals. Slashing the price by more than a half, both the vaccines will be available to private centres at Rs 225 per dose. While the Covishield has been slashed from Rs 600, the cost of Covaxin has been cut down greatly from Rs 1,200 for a dose. ASH ACL0907