Pollution levels in Delhi-NCR improves 

Prime Minister Narendra Modi chaired a meeting on Tuesday to discuss the situation arising due to pollution in various part of Northern India.

Union Cabinet Secretary also reviewed the progress made in the arrangements, since Sunday, to control Air Pollution in the National Capital Region.

It was observed that the cases of crop stubble burning in Punjab and Haryana still continues continued and that there is a need for more focused action.

These States have now been directed that more monitoring teams should be deployed on the field to ensure that the violators are taken to task by imposing suitable penalties.

The states have also been directed to ensure that they are fully prepared for meeting any exigency in the future.

Meanwhile the Supreme court has directed to the Chief Secretaries of Punjab, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh to appear before it today on the issue of Stubble Burning.

Chief Secretary of Government of NCT of Delhi has also asked to appear before the Apex Court today. 

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