PML-N files no-trust move against Elahi

Islamabad, April 8 : PML-N lawmakers have filed a no-trust motion in the Punjab Assembly Secretariat against Speaker Chaudhry Parvez Elahi, leader of the PML-Q and a candidate for the chief minister post in what it called as the “last nail in the coffin” of the senior politician’s 40-year-long career, Express Tribune reported on Friday. This after the secretariat finally allowed PML-N MPAs to enter the assembly premises to submit their motion — a day after the PTI submitted a no-confidence resolution against its own deputy speaker, Sardar Dost Muhammad Mazari. PML-N MPAs Sami Ullah Khan, Khalil Tahir Sundhu, Pir Ashraf Rasool, Khawaja Salman Rafique, Mirza Javed and Mian Abdur Raoof submitted the motion against Elahi to Chaudhry Amir Habib, the secretariat’s special secretary. The motion, which also carries the signatures of a few PML-N lawmakers as well, read: “Speaker Parvez Elahi has lost his confidence in majority members of the House. The province’s matters are not being run in accordance with the constitution of Pakistan and Speaker Elahi ruined the democratic traditions of the province by following his vested interests.” On Wednesday, also the joint opposition had submitted a no-trust motion against Elahi, which was not accepted by the assembly secretariat. That resolution had alleged that he had violated assembly rules and influenced assembly matters despite having no jurisdiction as he was currently contesting for the Punjab chief minister slot. The PTI had submitted a no-trust motion against Deputy Speaker Mazari for withdrawing the order postponing Wednesday’s session to April 16. After submitting the no-trust motion, the PML-Q claimed that the deputy speaker was no longer eligible to summon the House after the motion had been submitted against him. ACL1233