Palestinian protesters injured in clashes with Israeli soldiers in West Bank

Ramallah, March 19 ( /Xinhua) Dozens of Palestinian protesters were injured during clashes with Israeli soldiers in several West Bank towns and villages, the Palestinian Red Crescent Society informed on Saturday. Palestinian eyewitnesses said that fierce clashes broke out in the villages of Beita and Beit Dajan, south and east of the northern West Bank city of Nablus in the southern West Bank city of Hebron, and in the village of Kafr Qaddum, east of the northern West Bank city of Qaqilya. Among the injured, two were shot by live amm tion, 20 by rubber bullets, and dozens suffered from inhaling teargas, according to the organization. In a statement, the Palestinian Foreign Ministry condemned what it termed as “the brutal repression practiced by the Israeli forces against the peaceful protesters.” Israeli authorities have not commented on the incidents. The West Bank cities have seen weekly protests by Palestinians against the expansion of Israeli settlements. /XINHUA ACL0927