Kuwait, US sign deal on aviation security cooperation

Kuwait City, Oct 8 (udaipur kiran) Kuwait and the United States on Tuesday signed a deal to bolster cooperation on aviation security. The deal was inked by Kuwait Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) and the US Transportation Security Administration (TSA), Xinhua news agency reported. After signing the agreement, DGCA’s President Sheikh Salman Al-Humoud Al-Sabah … Read more

Trump defends his Syria decision amid broad criticism

Washington, Oct 8 (udaipur kiran) US President Donald Trump on Tuesday highlighted US-Turkey relations amid broad criticism against his decision to withdraw US troops from northern Syria where Turkish offensive has been underway. “So many people conveniently forget that Turkey is a big trading partner of the United States, in fact they make the structural … Read more

Preparations complete for Syria operation: Turkey

Ankara, Oct 8 (udaipur kiran) Turkey’s Ministry of Defence said all preparations for a military operation against the Syrian Kurdish PYG/YPG forces in northern Syria were complete and the Armed Forces would not tolerate a terror corridor along its border. “Establishment of a safe zone/a peace corridor is necessary for giving a safe life to … Read more

Imran Khan govt breaks record in borrowing money

Islamabad, Oct 9 (udaipur kiran) Pakistan’s ruling Imran Khan government has broken all previous records in borrowing money merely in the first year of its tenure. According to the official data, during the one-year regime of the present government Rs 7,509 billion (Pakistani currency) increase was recorded in the total debt of the country. A … Read more

Trump takes knife to prison yard

Washington DC, Oct 9 (udaipur kiran) Washington resembles a bullpen where a verbal shell game is on. This evening Donald Trump fighting his accusers in what has become a brutal cage match took the knife to the fight in the prison yard. His counter attack vicious and determined and monotypical of his style and mien. … Read more