Odisha vigilance files case against Executive Engineer

Bhubaneswar, March 15 : Odisha Vigilance department has filed a case against an Executive Engineer and his son for obstructing the Vigilance team in the discharge of their duty during a house search on March 9. Vigilance sources on Tuesday said a case was registered against Executive Engineer Rural Works (Electrical) Division Berhampur Jagannath Sethy and his son Sibaditya Sarbeswar, u/s 186 IPC on Monday for obstructing the vigilance team during a house search . Jaganath at Berhampur and his son at Bhubaneswar locked themselves inside the houses, obstructed the vigilance team which was trying to enter the house, the father-son due also did not cooperate with the team. On the strength of search warrants issued by the Court of Special Judge, Vigilance, Berhampur, a team of Odisha Vigilance had been to the residence of Jagannath Sethy, Located at Gajapati Nagar on March 9 last to execute the order of the Court for conducting a search of the residential house on the allegation of possession of disproportionate assets. Accused Jagannatha by locking the entrance door from inside, intentionally did not allow the Vigilance team to enter the house to conduct searches, though he was intimated over the telephone. The vigilance team was forced to enter the premises after breaking open the entrance door. Similarly, his son Sibaditya Sarbeswar also did not allow the Vigilance team to enter into his house at AIIMs Nagar, Bhubaneswar on March 9 last Jaganath was arrested by the Vigilance on March 11 and forwarded to Court of Special judge Vigilance Berhampur after assets worth over Rs 7.83 crore was unearthed during the search operation. BD DP KK