Sumy (Ukraine), March 14 : The head of Sumy’s regional government has said there will be no civilian evacuations from the area on Monday. The city in northeastern Ukraine, has been the scene of heavy fighting since February 24, when Russian mounted the dawn attack on its neighbour. On his Telegram channel, Sumy Governor Dmytro Zhyvytskyi said: “None of the routes have been agreed upon today,” referring to corridors created by Russia to allow civilians to safely evacuate. Zhivitsky added that “negotiations are ongoing”. Last week, approximately 5,000 civilians, including 1,700 foreign students, including many from India, were evacuated through a humanitarian corridor towards Poltava. Ukrainian authorities have, however, repeatedly accused Russian forces of shooting at and blocking civilian evacuations, the BBC said. On March 8, more than 20 civilians were reported killed by an airstrike that hit a residential area. ING