New Zealand reports 6,718 Covid-19 cases

Wellington, April 10 ( /Xinhua) New Zealand has recorded 6,718 new comm ty cases of Covid-19, said the Ministry of Health in a statement on Sunday. Among the 6,718 new comm ty infections, 1,202 were reported in the largest city Auckland. There were 31 new cases of Covid-19 detected at the New Zealand border, said the ministry. Currently there are 604 Covid-19 patients being treated in New Zealand hospitals, including 22 people in the intensive care ts or high dependency ts. The ministry also reported 12 deaths from Covid-19 on Sunday. New Zealand has reported 765,609 confirmed cases of Covid-19 since the beginning of the pandemic. New Zealand is currently at the highest Red settings under its Covid-19 Protection Framework, during which indoor gatherings are limited to 200 people, with no limits for outdoor gatherings. /XINHUA ACL0900