MoF to organise post-budget webinar on March 8

New Delhi, March 6 : Ministry of Finance will organise a post-budget Webinar on ‘Financing for growth and aspirational economy’ to accelerate implementation of on Budget 2022 announcements on March 8, 2022, an official statement said on Sunday. Prime Minister Narendra Modi will deliver a special address during the inaugural session of the webinar. The objective of the webinar is to brainstorm with experts from the public and private sectors, academia and industry and identify strategies on how best to move forward towards implementation of various issues under different sectors. The webinar involves participation from 16 Ministries, NITI Aayog, Capacity Building Commission and State Governments. It will also include participation from regulators like RBI, SEBI, IFSCA, IRDAI, NABARD, GIFT City, Industry associations and subject Matter Experts or Investor comm ty. The webinar will have five breakaway sessions on financing of infrastructure, financing sectors with high employment potential, creating enablers of infrastructure, navigating the digital opport ty for banking and finance and climate and sustainable finance and financing for sunrise sectors. AKM SHK1755