Modi govt subverting secularism, democracy, federalism: D Raja

Kannur, April 6 : Comm st Party of India (CPI) General Secretary D Raja on Wednesday said resurgence of the Comm st movement on principled basis is the need of the hour to counter the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) supported ruling Bharatiya Janata Party government’s rhetoric in the country. Responding to Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s comment that “comm sm is a dangerous ideology”, the CPI leader said “Yes, Mr Narendra Modi we are dangerous to the communal ideology of the RSS. “We are dangerous to your divisive agenda. We are dangerous since we are relentless and uncompromising in resisting your crony capitalism and loot of national assets. “We are dangerous for we offer ideological resistance to the RSS.” He also said: “I accept we are dangerous to the RSS because the RSS is dangerous to the nation.” Raja said “Left struggle should combine forces, all progressive, secular, democratic sections of the society to uproot the discriminatory regime and cleanse the society from the hateful ideological influence of the RSS.” Speaking at the 23rd Party Congress of CPI(M) here, D Raja said in the upcoming 24th Congress of the CPI in October 2022 in Vijayawada, the Left parties should use the platform to introspect, discuss and debate all issues on the matter and come up with concrete actionable approach to squash the RSS-BJP rhetoric. He said the BJP government under Narendra Modi is engaged in subverting the country’s basic values, secularism, democracy, federalism. He alleged the independent character of the national foreign policy has been subverted. Attacks on Dalits and Tribals have increased manifold under the BJP-RSS rule in the country, he added. Pointing that caste atrocities were on the rise with imp ty, he said the Left should intensify struggles mobilising anti-caste forces. AK/DS ING