ISKCON temple attackers remain absconding.

By Mir Afroz Zaman Dhaka, March 19 : As the attackers on the ISKCON temple on Lalmohan Street in Dhaka have not been arrested even after 48 hours, there is a growing fear among Hindus that more such attacks could take place. ISKCON Bangladesh General Secretary Charu Chandra Brahmachari said on Saturday morning, “Despite the video footage and sufficient evidence of the attack, none of the attackers have been arrested yet. As the boundary walls of the temple have been damaged, the lives of the temple’s resident devotees are under threat. “It is feared that the miscreants may attack again and cause more damage to the temple. The DC of Wari area of the police had earlier said he would sit with the two parties in his office on Saturday. However, the meeting was not held till writing this report.” According to the leaders of the Bangladesh Hindu Buddhist Christian Oikya Parishad, the attack took place in the presence of police. The leaders demanded immediate arrest of the culprits. They further said that the attack took place under the umbrella of Awami League. There have been attacks in the past but the investigations have not been completed, they added. On the night of March 17, a group of miscreants led by Haji Md. Safiullah (62) and Md. Israf Sufi (31) came to occupy the site of Sri Sri Radhakanta Geo Mandir run by ISKCON in Wari, Dhaka, while the devotees of the temple were performing a ceremony on the 102nd birth anniversary of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu. During the incident, some devotees of the temple were injured. The miscreants also vandalised the tin canopy and a Saraswati idol in the temple house. They loaded the truck with a number of materials, including iron rods used in the construction of the temple. Later, when a man named Sumantra Chanda went to Wari police station to protest against the incident last night, the police did not file a case. Sumantra Chanda, one of the devotees, had filed a case against the miscreants at Wari Police Station on March 18. MAZ RNJ