IP based AMSS becomes operational at Chennai airport

Chennai, Mar 12 : An indigenouly designed and developed Automatic Mesage Switching System called the IP based AMSS has become operationalised at the Chennai Air Traffic Service Complex at the airpot here today. An airport release said the state-of-the-art message switching software was developed with many user-friendly features, including the provision of pre-flight information bulletins in which information about facilities and airspace across the world is made available to airline operators to help them in planning their flights. It was formally inaugurated by Airports Authority of India Board Member M.Suresh in which senior officials of the AAI, the airlines, the Indian Meterological Department and the Indian Air Force, who form the important stakeholders using the system, participated. Congratulating the team of experts who developed the system, Suresh prasied the Chennai CNS team of AAI for successfully installing and operationalising the system. He underined the fact that this is a milestone achievement of AAI CNS experts and encouraged them to further excel in their endeavours in line with the motto “Athmanirbar” of on Government and be self-reliant in all the fields, especially in software development. XC-GV 1649