Jaipur : As part of run up to Republic Day 2023 celebrations, a Mini Marathon was organised at Jaipur Military Station on 22 Jan 2023. The event was enthusiastically attended by all ranks as well as ladies and children.

The aim was to align the celebration of Republic Day by giving due impetus to sound health and inspiring the masses to undertake physical activities. There are continuous efforts to support the Fit India Movement and when it is aligned to an event or a big day, it reenergises the young and old to reset their Circadian Rythm by first participating in such events, graduating to being a regular participant and thereafter making this a habit.

Physical training in the Army is a very scientific and regulated activity which sets the Circadian Rythm of the body and it was heartening to note the presence of large numbers of ladies and children attempting 5 kms distance. Many were awarded prizes for their superior performance and contribute towards health and happiness and moving the wheel of ‘Fit India Movement’ positively.