New Delhi, March 11 : on Ayush Minister Sarbananda Sonowal on Friday said India will lead on global health matters related to traditional medicine. The Minister made the statement while addressing the 25th convocation of the ‘Rashtriya Ayurveda Vidyapeeth’ at Vigyan Bhawan here. “Since assuming office, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has been taking several initiatives to promote ‘Ayush’ and took its message to the world. It is because of his efforts that the whole world celebrates International Yoga Day on June 21 every year,” he said. Referring to the Centre’s decision for establishment of WHO Global Centre for Traditional Medicine in Gujarat’s Jamnagar, Sonowal said: “It is clear that in the India will lead on global health matters related to traditional medicine.” It will also help us to spread the traditional system of medicine across the world, he observed. “In Ayurveda it is said, your food is your medicine, your medicine is your food. This means if we take food by maintaining the natures rule, I believe there won’t be any disease in the human body,” Sonowal said. He also stressed that skills inherited from ancestors needs to be properly utilised through scientific study and research so that every individual can be strong enough to complete any kind of challenges in life. DS MR