Depression (remnant of very severe cyclonic storm ‘Yaas’) weakened into a well marked low pressure area over Bihar and adjoining east Uttar Pradesh.

Yesterday’s depression over central parts of Jharkhand moved northwestwards and weakened into a Well Marked Low pressure area in the early morning (0530 hours IST) of today, the 28thMay, 2021over Bihar and adjoining East Uttar Pradesh.It lay as a well marked low pressure area over eastern parts of Uttar Pradesh and adjoining Bihar at 0830 hours IST of today,the 28’hMay,2021.

The system is very likelyto move north-westwards and weaken further into a low pressure area during next 12 hours.



i) Rainfall:

Sub-Himalayan West Bengal and Sikkim: Light to moderate rainfall at few places with heavy rainfall at isolated places on 28th May.

Bihar: Light to moderate rainfall at many places with heavy to very heavy rainfall at isolated places on 28th and heavy rainfall at isolated places on 29th.

East Uttar Pradesh: Light to moderate rainfall at many places with heavy to very heavy rainfall at isolated places on 28th


(ii) Wind warning:

Squally wind speed reaching 30-40 kmph gusting to 50 kmph would prevail over Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Sub-Himalayan West Bengal and Sikkim during next 12 hours and decrease gradually thereafter.

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