CPI(M) leaders sexually harassed me, says Swapna Suresh

Thiruvananthapuram : The CPI(M) leadership in Kerala has been literally caught with their trousers down!. Swapna Suresh, the main accused in the 2019 Gold Smuggling scam in which the green channel of the Customs was misused by the office of Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan, has alleged that the CPI(M) Government in the State sabotaged the probe by influencing the investigation officer of the Enforcement Directorate.

Swapna Suresh

Speaking to a Malayalam satellite TV channel, Swapna said Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan and his family members, especially his daughter Veena, had benefitted by the deals made by the State Government with foreign companies.

In a shock to the CPI(M), Swapna said three leaders of the party tried to sexually abuse her. Katakampalli Surendran, the then minister for cooperation and temple administration pressurised her many times to sleep with him and sent obscene messages to her.

“Surendran is a dirty man and he should never be allowed anywhere near our houses. The same is the case with P Sreeramakrishnan, the then Speaker, who too tried to make me sleep with him. I have the recordings of the WhatsApp messages sent by them. The then finance minister Thomas Issac too invited me to accompany him to the hill station Munnar and offered me to show places and things I have not seen till date. But I told him politely that I was not interested in it,” said Swapna.

He said the CPI(M) leaders like Surendran and Sreeramakrishnan had two faces. “Their attitude is bad and they feel women are their objects for pleasure,” she said.

She further stated that Sivsankar, the former principal secretary to the chief minister was manipulating her to suit his convenience and further the interests of the Chief Minister and family. He also told me not to hurt leaders like Surendran, Sreetramakrishnan and Issac because they were very powerful in the CPI(M).

She said she had all details of the illegal deal made by Kerala Government with black-listed companies in the west and has handed over the same to the ED and also in her statement to the Magistrate under Section 164 of the CPC.