Udaipur : Chittorgarh police on Sunday arrested three persons all members of a chilly spray gang that targeted pedestrians and two wheeler drivers on secluded roads in different parts of the city and looted mobiles, jewelry and cash. Heeralal (36) of Nimbaheda, Sonu (19) of Neemuch, MP and Nasir aka Murad (30) of Mandphiya were arrested while their fourth member Sunil resident of Nimbhaheda is at large and teams are searching for him.
Chittorgarh SP Deepak Bhargava said a notorious gang had been active in the city area for over 2 weeks that had committed over half a dozen incidents of loot and assault on helpless commuters. The men worked in group, waited for lone commuters, pedestrians on various streets. Finding a chance and with no one around, they would spray chilly powder spray on their targets and shock them with the sudden attack. Then the men would assault the prey, loot their cash, jewelry and mobile phones and flee.
Additional SP Himmat Singh Deval, CO Badi Sadri Ashish Kumar and SHO Nikumbh PS Vinod Menariya with the help of informers kept a vigil in the area and with technical support from experts nabbed the three accused. These men confessed half a dozen incidents between May 1 to 14. They targetted women too and had taken away gold chains, mangalsutra, anklets etc.