Check bounced in a valid period, fined Rs 32 thousand on HDFC Bank

Jaipur . The permanent Lok Adalat of the district has imposed a compensation of Rs 32 thousand on HDFC Bank, considering it to bounce it even after presenting the check in the bank during the valid period. The court has ordered the bank to pay the compensation amount to the complainant in a month. The court gave this order on the complaint of Vijendra Kumar Sharma.

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In the complaint, advocate Harishankar Gaur said that the complainant has an account with the opposition bank. He put a check in the bank account on 26 July 2019 to take a check of Rs 2.5 lakh, but the bank across the period, bounced on the period on 30 July. The complainant challenged it in a permanent Lok Adalat and said that he had put a check in the bank’s drop box on July 26 at 2.30 pm, but instead of paying the check amount, he bounced it on 30 July.

On the other hand, it was said by the bank that there was a holiday on July 27 and 28 and on July 30, when the check was sent for technical verification, it was found beyond the period. In this, the bank does not take any negligence. Hearing the debate of both sides, the court said that the complainant had put the check in the bank within the stipulated period. Therefore, it was the responsibility of the bank to pay him the check amount, but the check amount was not paid to the complainant and the bank is responsible for it. Therefore, he should give the compensation amount to the complainant.