New Delhi, March 21 : The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) on Monday conducted searches at five premises of the accused, including a Senior Intelligence Officer posted at the office of Directorate General of GST Intelligence (DGGI), Ghaziabad, in connection with a bribery case, CBI said on Monday. CBI conducted searches at five locations situated in Delhi, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh. During searches at the premises of Senior Intelligence Officer, a sum of Rs 28 lakh and incriminating documents were recovered, said a CBI spokesperson. The arrest of the officer was deferred due to his medical condition and a view in this regard will be taken depending on his medical condition. However, a private person, who accepted the alleged bribe on behalf of the officer, was arrested from the spot and produced before a Court in Delhi today, CBI said. The investigative agency had registered a case against the accused on allegations of bribe. The accused demanded an alleged bribe of Rs one crore through private persons/touts for showing official favour to the complainant’s father in a case at DGGI, Ghaziabad. CM RJ