Udaipur JAR Initiative – Masks and Sanitizers distributed to JAR Members

Udaipur : Masks and sanitizers were distributed to the members of Udaipur unit of the Journalist Association of Rajasthan (JAR). The Chairman of JAR Udaipur unit, Dr. Tuktak Bhanawat, said that the Chief Medical and Health Officer, Dr. Dinesh Kharadi distributed masks and sanitizers to the JAR officials. On this occasion, Dr. Kharadi said that … Read more

Man hangs self after strangulating wife in Udaipur

Udaipur : A 52-year old man hanged himself after murdering his 38-year-old wife, suspecting infidelity  in Sector 14 under Govershan Vilas police station area on Tuesday morning. Sunil Soni son of Ganga Kishan Soni first strangulated Suman, his wife in the bedroom, in a fit of rage at a rented accommodation and later reportedly hanged himself … Read more