Biden warns of Russian cyberattacks against US companies

Washington, March 22( ) US President Joe Biden has warned that there is credible intelligence inputs that American companies are increasingly vulnerable to Russian cyberattacks and urged them to make sure that their digital doors are locked tight, Khaleej Times reported on Tuesday. Biden’s top cybersecurity aide, Anne Neuberger, said that some critical infrastructure entities have ignored alerts from federal agencies to fix known problems in their software that could be exploited by Russian hackers. The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency has launched a “Shields Up” campaign aimed at helping companies strengthen their defences and has urged companies to back up their data, turn on multifactor authentication and take other steps to improve cyber hygiene. President Biden said Russia could launch a cyberattack against US targets in retaliation for “the unprecedented economic sanctions the US and its allies have imposed” on Russia for its invasion of Ukraine. Russia is known as a hacking powerhouse but its offensive cyberattacks since the Ukraine crisis have been muted compared to what some people expected as it had done in the past, including the devastating NotPetya attack in 2017 that spread far and wide and caused more than $10 billion in damage globally. ACL0804