At UNSC, India calls for full implementation of convention on biological weapons

ted Nations/New Delhi, March 11 : Amid Russia’s claims of the alleged development of chemical and biological weapons in Ukraine, India on Friday called for ensuring full and effective implementation of the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BTWC) in letter and spirit. Speaking at the UNSC, on a meeting called by Russia, India’s Permanent Representative to the UN TS Tirumurti said that India has “noted the recent statements by the States and wider information regarding biological activities relating to Ukraine”. “In this context, we would like to underline the importance attached by India to the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BTWC) as a key global and non- discriminatory disarmament Convention, prohibiting an entire category of weapons of mass destruction,” he said. “It is Important to ensure full and effective implementation of the BTWC in letter and spirit.” “India believes that any matters relating to obligations under the BTWC should be addressed as per the provisions of the Convention, and through consultation and cooperation between the parties concerned.” He also said that India has repeatedly expressed serious concern over the ongoing situation in Ukraine. He also expressed hope that the ongoing direct negotiations between Russia and Ukraine would lead to cessation of hostilities. “There is no other alternative except the path of diplomacy and dialogue. The dire humanitarian situation needs immediate and urgent attention. “We once again call upon member states to adhere to the principles of the UN Charter and international law and respect the sovereignty and integrity of states,” he stated. The BTWC prohibits the development, production, acquisition, transfer, stockpiling and use of biological weapons. RN