At OIC meet, Imran rakes up Kashmir

Islamabad, March 22 : Unable to mobilise support over Kashmir in the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan on Tuesday said the Muslim world had “failed the people” there along with the Palestinians. Addressing the Council of Foreign Ministers (CFM) of OIC countries here, Khan also referred to the Ukraine conflict and said it could have immense consequences on the rest of the world. He suggested that the OIC should think about how the Muslim world, along with China, can mediate and put an end to the conflict. Khan, whose continuation as the Prime Minister is uncertain because of the rapidly-changing developments in Pakistan, raked up the issue of Kashmir while tagging it along with the Palestine matter. “The Muslim nations have failed both the Palestinians and people of Kashmir,” he said, according to Geo News. “I’m sad to say that we have not been able to make any impact at all,” said the Prime Minister of Pakistan which has failed miserably in mobilising support of the OIC with regard to its propaganda, particularly in the aftermath of revocation of Article 370 in Jammu and Kashmir in August 2019. Pakistan had desperately sought an urgent meeting of the OIC after Article 370 was scrapped but the 57-member grouping of Islamic countries paid no need, causing a big setback to Islamabad. “Nothing happened because they (India) feel no pressure,” Khan said while referring to the aftermath of revocation of Article 370. Khan said that the Western countries do “not take the OIC seriously” because “we are a divided house and those powers know it.” Claiming that the world is on the verge of a cold war, he said there is a chance of the globe being divided into blocks and that 1.5 million Muslims will be nowhere if they don’t take a ted step. JNA AKK