Applying ginger juice on scalp does not stop hair loss, warns Dr Ashok Sinha

In recent times, there has been a trend of DIY hair care remedies on social media platforms such as YouTube and Instagram. One such trend involves using ginger juice on the scalp to prevent hair loss. However, renowned hair specialist Dr Ashok Sinha has cautioned against this trend, stating that applying ginger juice on the scalp does not stop hair loss and can actually cause further hair loss.

Dr Sinha has stated that he has received multiple inquiries regarding the effectiveness of ginger juice in preventing hair loss. He clarified that there is no scientific evidence to support this claim and that the use of ginger juice on the scalp can actually cause irritation and inflammation of the scalp, leading to further hair loss.

Dr Sinha further added that the trend of promoting such remedies on social media platforms is misleading and can cause harm to people who are suffering from hair loss. He urged fake YouTubers and Instagram influencers not to spread misinformation and urged people to seek professional help for any hair-related concerns.

Hair loss is a common problem that affects people of all ages and genders. While there are several remedies available in the market to prevent hair loss, it is important to seek professional advice and not rely on unverified remedies promoted on social media platforms.

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