After Kadha, Amrutdhara pills distributed for corona warriors

Udaipur : The age old ayurvedic preparation Amrutdhara, which one upon a time used to be a household remedy for day to day ailments, is being prescribed for thousands of employees of various government departments and volunteers who have been battling coronavirus on the frontline for over two months now.

The Ayurved department has prepared and distributed Amrutdhara pills to 9 thousand personnel in the city and in the next stage, another 11 thousand packets would be delivered in all the blocks of the district in the coming days. The medicine is effective in curing ailments like dysentery, diarrhoea, common cold and cough, abdominal pain, vomiting and insect bite etc. ” Amrutdhara is made of concentrate (extracts) of three things- Camphor, Mint and Ajwain. It has terrific healing effect specially in ailments caused during the hot summer months.

The prescribed dose for adults is four pills four times a day which would develop immunity in the body” Vaidya ShobhaLal Audichya, incharge of the program said. The Amrutdhara concentrate which has a peculiar taste has been mixed with homeopathic sugar pills to neutralize the bitterness. One packet contains 140 pills that would sustain for 9 days.

“A nine days course is enough for a normal adult which would keep him energetic and one would not feel fatigued or fall ill due to heat stroke” Audichya said.Staff from the health and medical, police, fire, water works, power supply, education departments and other volunteers working in arresting the pandemic would be given the medicine. In April, the Ayurved department had prepared herbal kadha powder and distributed it to the corona warriors to enhance their immunity.