Bhopal, Apr 2 : Atmospheric activity resembling a meteor shower was observed late Saturday in the sky over Madhya Pradesh’s Bhopal, Khandwa, Dhar, Khargone and a few other districts. Similar reports are being received from Chhattisgarh, Gujarat and Maharashtra. Numerous surprised people captured the event in their cellular phones and related videos went viral in social media. A rapidly-moving rocket-like object is seen in the videos. Authorities were yet to make an official statement at the time of filing of this report. Initially, residents mistook the activity for Gudi Padwa fireworks. However, when it continued for a period exceeding half a minute, they began to suspect otherwise. “The object was moving from the northwest to the southeast. It first split into two and then four to five parts,” astronomer Ram Srivastava told a TV news channel. Team-AC