Al Ain : As part of itsefforts to provide the highest standards of healthy and smooth integration and behavioral rehabilitation for newborns, Al Ain Zoo is preparing to integrate its new-bornRothschild’s giraffes into Al Ain Safari to live alongside the existing group of 12 individuals in the largest man-made safari in the world.
The integration of the young giraffes with the adults is part of the Zoo’s prominent wildlife conservation programs and strategies to breed and increase the numbersof theexceptionally beautiful Rothschild’s Giraffes, a sub-species of the Northern Giraffe, that has sadly been added to the IUCN Red List of endangered species, providing them with a comprehensive care program based on the best global practices in an environment similar to their natural habitats and meeting their specific nutritional and behavioral needs, as well as an extensive health care program provided by a group of highly trained veterinarians and animal-care specialists.
The new-born giraffes receive special helpfrom their animalCare specialist in order to build a strong connection through a program based on positive reinforcement and behavioral training which mainly aimsto facilitatethe interactions necessary for providing animals with their daily needs. A few monthsafter their birth, the baby giraffes are weaned and ready to eat alongside their mothers, then they start to receive help in learning to feed independently by being introduced to different types of food by their animalcare specialists.
The wholeprocess results in the Zoo preparing the young giraffes to be re-homed in the Safari area, where visitors can enjoy feeding them and enjoying up close interactions with them.
It is important to note that the newborn giraffes are initially kept with their mothers, separate from other giraffes and the other African animals within the Safari, and once the weather starts to become more moderate and the giraffes are ready, the Zoo startsgradually introducing them to the rest of the group.
Al Ain Zoo plays a significant role in the conservation of various animal species, including giraffes, and is committed to preserving them by raising awareness of the importance of conservingtheir natural habitats through the many plans and strategies put in practice by the Zoo. It also sponsors important species conservation programs around the world in collaboration with variousstakeholders, focusing particularly on wildlife. It conducts research on the conservation, breeding and preservation of multiple endangered species, as well as returning some of them to their natural habitats.