New Delhi : Hyundai Motor India on Friday said it has created a relief task force to support customers affected by the Cyclone Tauktae in Gujarat, Goa, parts of Maharashtra and Rajasthan.
To ensure uninterrupted mobility, the company said it is extending emergency roadside assistance service to support the customers for hassle-free and peace of mind experience.
“As a responsible and caring brand, Hyundai aims to provide the best of service assistance to customers even during strenuous times. Cyclone Tauktae has once again tested the resiliency of Indian people.
“Our relief teams will make efforts to ensure uninterrupted mobility for customers affected by the cyclone in Gujarat, Goa, parts of Maharashtra and Rajasthan thereby offering them peace of mind in these challenging times,” Hyundai Director (Sales, Marketing and Service) Tarun Garg said in a statement.
Additionally, the automaker is offering 50 per cent discount on depreciation amount of insurance claims for flood affected vehicles, he added.
Furthermore, the company has extended service and warranty timelines by two months for the customers who are currently unable to avail such services due to lockdown conditions in their respective states or cities, it added.
Hyundai sells models like Creta, Verna and Venue in the domestic market.