Sara Ali Khan, who made a debut in Bollywood with the movie ‘Kedarnath’, shared a bewitching picture from her Maldives vacation, which soon went viral. The diva also shared a few candid pictures with mommy Amrita Singh and brother Ibrahim Ali Khan from her Maldives vacation. She wrote, “Nights like these. Find us a pod- we’re the peas. With both of you I want to travel the 7 seas because as they say the best things come in threes.”
Sara had also posted photos in multi-coloured co-ords. Earlier, she shared a few lovely pictures with brother Ibrahim Ali Khan as they welcomed 2021. She wrote, βHappy New Years With my brother itβs always the best cheers He takes away all my fears And forever is there to wipe all my tears .β Despite her busy schedules, Sara never fails to spend quality time with her loved ones. Sara Ali Khan who received a lot of applause for her outstanding performance in ‘Kedarnath’, which also had Sushant Singh Rajput in the lead role had revealed about her relationship with her parents and Kareena Kapoor. She said, βI have grown up with a mother [Amrita Singh], and father, both of whom have never let me think that it’s possible to not get something I want.
These may not be materialistic things, because I’m not a materialistic girl unless you’re talking about bangles, in which case, I’m obsessive. But, they have given me immense attention and time. Going to New York made me recognise that sometimes, I would have to fight for these things, because I don’t have Saif and Amrita, the strongest people I know, behind me.
I could not get anything I wanted on a platter.”
Even Kareena Kapoor Khan once said about Saraβs debut, βI hope God willing and I am sure that the film will be a super hit but irrespective of that I think she is a born star.β Known for her queen-like confidence, Sara has been blessed with a charming personality. Nothing seems to stop Sara Ali Khan as she is ruling the box office with her amazing performance. (photo: Instagram)