Since the moment that one person recognized that he could throw a rock farther or faster than another, competition has existed. The desire to be better at something thanothers is just part of our human nature. There is something in the genetics of people that makes us competitive.
However, it is not just about saying that you are better than others. People want to have some kind of tangible proof that they are better than others. This comes in the way of a trophy, an award, or some other kind of monument to their accomplishments. While money and fame are great, there is no doubt that it is the glory of being declared the very best that drives most athletes and scholars to reach the pinnacle of their field.
It is this level of competition that has also led to people wanting to place a wager on who is the best. This has helped bring about the gambling industry, something that has its own roots within the country of India.
Gambling on the Rise in India
While not legal in every part of the country, it is clear that gambling is on the rise in the country. Specific states are authorized to allow for casinos to operate within their borders and there are a number of online casinos that are available as well. Just as a means to provide additional information,outlined on, you can see how gambling sites in India have created a niche for themselves and how they are giving people an opportunity to play their favorite casino-style games.
It has been advancements in technology that have really helped to spur interest in online gambling in the country. Because these sites are able to use these technologies, like artificial intelligence, they are able to enhance the experience for users. These are technologies that are making a big difference in a number of different industries, so it is not surprising that casinos are finding an application for it as well.
An Extensive History in India
Because of its deep religious roots, many believe that gambling has not had much of an influence within Indian society. This has some merit to it. With the exception of horseracing and a National lottery, very few gambling establishments have found legal authority to operate within the country.
That does not mean that gambling does not occur and has not occurred. There are stories that were written nearly 10,000 years ago of games of chance using dice. In fact, a very common expression in gambling is that when one lost all his money, he “lost his shirt.” This saying traces its roots back to ancient India, where a gambler who had been defeated was stripped.
Nuts were originally used as dice as early as 300 BC. At least, that is the first artifact that has been found that can be traced directly to gambling. Betting on the outcome of dice was not the only way that people gambled. There were cockfights, ram fights and horseracing became a common source of gambling as well.
Skipping Ahead a Bit
Much of this activity went on without any real regulation or legality to it. It was not until the 15th century that gambling houses became legal and started to appear across the country. These houses were heavily regulated to ensure that there was no cheating. This also ensured that these establishments paid their dues and taxes to the king. This became the first known occurrence of a gambling tax within the entry.
When cricket was brought by the British to India in the 18th century, residents of the country immediately fell in love with the game. Betting on the sport became an instant success, but the gambling act of 1867 outlawed legalized betting on these contests. This sent much of the gambling activity underground.
And Present Times
Today, there are 29 states and seven territories contained within the boundaries of India. Each of the states and territories is given the legal authority to determine whether they will allow gambling or not. While some national restrictions are still in place, there is some autonomy given to the states to determine how gambling will operate.
Most have used this freedom to allow for a state lottery or to allow for persons to bet on horseracing. However, there are very few casinos operating in India today and they are limited to a very small number of states.
What the Future Holds
Currently, there is a big push to legalize casinos in other states. It is believed that this would have a dramatic impact on increasing tourism, which would become a great source of revenue. The casinos, themselves, would also increase revenues for state governments. These would help with social programs, but there is a significant amount of opposition to them as well. Many fear the problems that come with legalized gambling, including addiction and corruption.
Despite the resistance, there is one part of the gambling industry that is prospering – online casinos. In less than a decade, the number of households that have access to the Internet has arisen from just over 200 million to nearly 630 million, and it is expected that that number will reach 730 million within the next year.
This has enabled people to turn to these online casinos for their gambling. There is no need for them to travel to a physical casino when they can gain access to one of these online options, whether that operator is authorized to provide services in India or not.
The government has largely ignored these online casinos to this point, but it is becoming an issue that cannot be ignored for much longer. This will make it likely that they will either take some kind of extreme step to try to stop these operators from providing their services in the country at all, or they will take the more logical step and authorize the legalization of online gambling, under the government’s control of course.
For centuries, it has seemed that India has done its best to try to resist the allure of gambling. With the country becoming increasingly advanced technologically, they are reaching a stage where they may have to succumb to the temptation.